Caroline Watson is an award-winning actor, director, producer and social entrepreneur, using her background in theatre to deliver transformative projects that bring about positive change in our world.

Graduating with a degree in Theatre from Lancaster University, Caroline headed to China to implement Forum Theatre workshops with young migrant women and children moving from China’s rural areas into the cities in search of jobs and new opportunities.

Working hand in hand with the women themselves, Caroline built a globally-respected organisation, leveraging the power of participation in theatre and performance to develop the personal leadership skills of the women, and build a model for using the arts to bring about social change.

Now back in Europe, Caroline splits her time between the UK and France, where she is developing her work as an actor, speaker, writer and producer, alongside her work in social justice, to ask the question:

When the show ends, what begins?

Caroline believes we each have within us the power to be a transformative force for good and centres each performance, project, speech and workshop around this central idea of what engagement with the arts can do to shift mindsets, open hearts and inspire and move individuals, communities and the world to action.