When the show ends, what begins?

Transformative performances that lead to action on the biggest issues of our time

Caroline is an award-winning actor, director and producer

Her performance work is intimately connected to themes of home, identity, belonging, journeys, women’s leadership, relationships between East and West, and the transformation of self, in service to our world.

Caroline’s work is always underpinned by her parallel work as an entrepreneur and social reformer, using the arts to ask the bigger questions and suggest bold new ways of thinking and acting in the world.

How it all began

In 2015, Caroline was asked to give a TED talk about the work that she had done pioneering the use of theatre to empower women in China in the early 2000s.   With a background in theatre and storytelling, Caroline wove into her talk a monologue recounting her arrival in China on the Trans-Siberian railway, her first entry into China a few days after 9/11, having been born in Hong Kong 25 years previously.  The monologue shared Caroline’s emotional journey of returning ‘home’ and the way in which she had to make sense of identity, belonging and the changing world around her. 

Caroline is now building on her performance to develop a body of work that ask the big questions about the state of the world and our place in it.

Deeply transformative, with a focus on quality, depth and substance, Caroline believes that artists have the capacity to imagine new worlds and possibilities, and to put humanity at the core of the choices we make in our life


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